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Wahls Protocol

Terry Wahls is a pioneer in the MS community. She’s a doctor who was diagnosed with MS and decided to take her health into her own hands. She developed the Wahls Protocol, a diet that’s focused on eating nutrient-dense foods to support brain function and reduce inflammation in the body.

One of the highlights of the Wahls Protocol is that it encourages people to eat LOTS of vegetables – like, seriously, lots. We’re talking nine cups of veggies a day! But don’t worry, it’s not just lettuce and carrots. The protocol includes a variety of colorful veggies, from beets to kale to mushrooms. Plus, there are plenty of options for protein and healthy fats, like grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish, and coconut oil.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But, what about pizza? What about ice cream?” Look, I’m not saying you can never indulge. But the Wahls Protocol is all about making long-term changes to your diet to support your health. So, maybe instead of having pizza every week, you switch it up with a vegetable stir-fry or some grilled salmon. And as for ice cream…well, you can’t go wrong with a nice bowl of fresh berries topped with a dollop of coconut whipped cream.

Overall, the Wahls Protocol is a great option for anyone looking to improve their health through nutrition. It’s not a quick fix or a fad diet – it’s a sustainable way of eating that can have big benefits for people with MS and other chronic illnesses. So grab a fork and dig in!