by NayEunique:
As an MSer, one of the biggest obstacles I have faced since my diagnosis in 2020 was losing my natural ability to walk. It was such a sudden, drastic change.
Feeling defeated was such an understatement
Being on a cane at my age, issues with balancing, along with everything else that comes with MS, I was so lost. I changed SO much both physically and mentally. I would pass by my reflection and no longer recognized who I once was. All the things I had always wanted to do and never even tried, felt impossible with MS. Feeling defeated was such an understatement.
My biggest accomplishment
This past year, with lots of prayer and loads of support from those closest to me, as well as from fellow MSers, I made the decision that I could no longer let MS hold me hostage. I had to stop living so small in such a big world. Working on my mindset, hands down has been my biggest accomplishment in my battle against the MonSter. I hate MS but I will say that it has taught me how to live! That if you want something, if there is something you would like to give a try, DO IT! I always wanted to go rock climbing, even before being sick. I was always too afraid. Once MS came along, I gave up hope of ever doing it… until a few weeks ago. Zombie walk and all, I actually made it to the top of that wall on my first try! I’m still stoked! And can’t wait to do it again!
I’ve never been happier to say I was wrong
I’ve taken a long-distance drive by myself this year, had an awesome time running around with my niece in an arcade this summer, joined a sports league at my local gym, even jogged a few miles! Things I NEVER thought I could do as a ‘sick chick’. I’ve never been happier to say I was wrong!
Long story short, yes, I have MS, but it most definitely doesn’t have me!